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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Leading and Managing People Personal Leadership Model

Question: Discuss about theLeading and Managing People for Personal Leadership Model. Answer: Introduction Personal Leadership Model The idea of being a Leader comes from various thoughts and inspirations where different Leaders could have various skills at which they might be good at managing. People in these roles or in these situations where they stand up and lead the others are faced with numerous challenges and situations and eventually the Leaders become more capable of solving critical aspects of the Community and the Organizations in which they might be involved in. Warren Bennis stated that Leadership is the idea of transforming views into reality through constant planning and monitoring. Leadership Development Plan Developing a leadership plan could be possible by analysing the personal attributes of the person aspiring to be a Leader and by integrating the views and ideas of the people around. Self - Analysis is a critical stage of a persons development in general as it helps the person reflect, analyse, interpret and come to an agreement with himself. Analysing ones own potential will lead to accepting the attributes and character of the people around. In order to develop a leadership plan, it is ideal for me to undergo a personality assessment of myself and get a general pulse of what people perceive me to be as in a Leadership position. Leadership as stated earlier is the ability to transform ideas into reality and out them to execution. For some, Leadership would translate to making others do what they want them to do. Leadership has to be a method in which the person or the Leader exercises his vision to the people and to his followers in a way where they can apply the learnt skills in order to perform efficiently and achieve the desired growth. Areas of leadership come from different backgrounds like ethics, multiculturalism, teamwork, philosophy, psychology, power,leadershiptheory and management however I feel that according to my personality ethics, teamwork and management would be the most appropriate ones of leadership. Adapting and implementing a specific style of leadership comes from imbibing and developing ones own skills in that area. For example, we have chosen ethics, teamwork and management which would include honesty, integrity and standing up for people as the main attributes of a person to inculcate the Leadership behaviour. In any area of leadership, communication and being involved with people play a major role in developing the person as a Leader. I have gone through a personality assessment to analyse my personal attributes by going through a psychometry examination by Myerr Brigg. The results of my Personality Test where of INTJ which is of a personality of The Architect and this main attributes in terms of character of this personality are imaginative, being decisive about various aspects, ambitious in life and they are also known to be curious in terms of various aspects. It is believed that this is a very rare personality especially among the women who form a 0.9 % of the complete set of the Architect personalities. This is true in my case where I am naturally curious to know various things and I am imaginative when it comes to think of stories in my head about a specific aspect and I can spend hours on coming up with creative aspects of managing such things even at work. Being rational is the stronger aspect of my personality and I am a person who has a strong feeling in my head that intelligence us above all the aspects in life and effort and hard work are truly worth in order to achieve great heights in life. These are the aspects which have made me the person who I am today and I am known for my integrity in my Organization. Different Organizations have different ways of administering leadership at the Management level. Some of the Organizations have their rules laid out in terms of codes of ethics and codes of practice where the employees are expected to adapt and implement them. Intellect levels of the Leaders at such positions are the attributes which can differentiate Good and Able Leaders to the inefficient ones. I am a person who can stand like a rock in terms of exhibiting self confidence and in making observations about different aspects around in the Organization. With my strong will power, I was successful in pushing things to towards change and have implemented change management in a successful way. In order to achieve perfection, the INTJs would deconstruct the ideas and start constructing the ideas in any aspect. This has been observed in my life in different situations where I could enhance the productivity by motivating the employees to the required level and have achieved perfection in view of rewarding my employees at an appropriate time. My strengths are also being imaginative, strategic in thinking and analysing and portraying confidence. My main area of improvement is being arrogant and judgemental at times and also being over analytical in terms of assessing some of the aspects which I for sure understand is an area I have to work on. The Leaders should be confident and highly structured in their approach to achieve any aspect in life and they have to possess integrity as the main attribute in conducting themselves apart from setting higher standards of ethics for the Organization. The core values that my leadership model emphasises on are being open minded, being jack of all trades, hardworking and highly determined. These attributes and skills have helped me realise my style of leadership and my personality including my strengths and which will help me achieve greater heights in life. My Leadership style is of an Autocratic style where I allow the team members to make decisions without any major inputs or having to discuss with the other teams in situations where they are confident to take care of various aspects. This Leadership style provides an ample support to the team members and makes them confident and prepared to face various situations in the Organization. By implementing this style of Leadership I would also prepare them for their next level in the Organizational Hierarchy. My leadership style would benefit the Organizations and the Employees to a great extent where it would allow the required space for the teams to brainstorm within themselves and propose solutions for the identified issues within the Organization. The culture of the organisation/group which would prevail would be of a directional leadership where the employees expect their Leaders to communicate their vision and let them know if the tasks to be implemented. For example, this type of leadership prevails in China and North Korea. Autocratic Leaders will have the plan set in alignment with the Organizational objectives which are to be achieved and they will set the standards to be achieved as per the planned schedule. My leadership model is different to what is being practiced in the Corporate Environments of the present times as we observe most of the Projects have been failing owing to various reasons except those which are genuine. With the help of strong leaders in Autocratic Model, the employees would be confident that they would be led and hand held whenever required. This could be closely related to the coaching model where the Management would plan, implement the schedule as per the plan, list out the activities and follow the timelines in terms of implementation. Most of the Organizations in the present times would rise to the situation to convey that they are also following the same model however there would not be any discrepancy in terms of implementing the projects in cases where the plans are being adapted and followed according to the schedules. By implementing the Autocratic model of leadership, the employees will develop a sense of self discipline and being dedicated towards the achieving the Organizational objectives to ensure an overall growth. I personally like to apply this leadership model because I have noticed an exemplary change in the behaviour of my team members to be accountable for their assigned tasks and their coordination has increased marvellously. I can also expect a massive change in the Employees with relation to Respecting other Team Members Respect is associated to any situation in life and by respecting the ideas of the other team members as well the employees will achieve great heights as there would be a great exchange of views between the employees. Being Consistent Consistency is the most critical aspect which is overlooked by almost all the Organizations as the success of one project gets them to a level where they almost overlook all the other aspects of the projects and continue implementing in the same method. I would personally apply this model as the employee composition of an Organization is a mixed one and is assumed by the Management that every employee can deliver in the same way. This is not always applicable because the experience and skills vary between the employees and if the plans are passed down to the employees, they can execute them in an efficient way. References Dulebohn, J. H., Bommer, W. 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